Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm letting go

It's been months. Not just a few months, either. Months upon months have passed since I have been able to sit down and put into words what my life is as of now. 

If you're new to this blog, I'll set a little basis for what I'm fixing to blabber to you about. I'm a girl who has heard the name of Jesus her entire life. His name was whispered by my mother in prayers while I was still in the womb, and then whispered by me as soon as I was old enough to talk. As a child, you could find me at every VBS, choir practice, camp, retreat and event that my church had to offer. The name of Jesus has always been apart of who I am. A part of who I wanted to be. As years of camps, practices & lock-ins passed, and I began to see Jesus in a new light. This Savior.. He saved ME. Little ole Casey. My thoughts? "Oh, cool." Thought I had the Jesus-thing down. Didn't. Sure didn't. 

High school was full on making memories. Those made under the lights at a Friday night football game, church trips, Spring Breaks and so on. Everything was fine and dandy. Actually, better than fine and dandy. Perfect. Here I go with my pink and green monogramed laptop case and a smile. While on the outside I may have came off as  Elle Woods walking down the halls at Harvard to meet Warren..I was far from it. I was more like a three year old being sent to daycare for the first time. So, here I sat in my new pink chair in an old, box of a dorm room. No one in my classes to laugh with. No idea what I want to do with my life. No clue what God had planned for my life. No desire to seek it out.

 You must go through the valley to stand upon the mountain of God. 

Sometimes, things happen that force you to look up to Jesus. Crawl into His lap. Ask Him to soothe you. Catch your tears. LOVE on you. One thing lead to another and, quickly, I was in that place. DESPERATE for a glimpse of Jesus. Desperate for His control over my life. So, I surrendered. Wallowing in a pillow full of tears one night, I sat up, and took my hands off of my heart, let God's fingers encase my heart fully, letting His hand cover it. I let it go. Pulled my hand away. Completely. Finally. Then, I grabbed His free hand with one of my free hands. And then, just like that, He took off running. And so did I. New creation. New life. New freedom. New love. 

That's what it ultimately took to get me to that point. This summer was one of the best yet one of the worst. I went through a lot of changes. I felt like at times I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. Then I realized I was just looking at it from the wrong perspective. This was something AMAZING. Not tragic. Anything but tragic. No, I don't have any more of my problems resolved or questions answered but ya know what? That's okay.. I'm going to do things God's way for once. I'm his and I'm  patiently waiting for him to give me those answers. I'm letting go of the life I've planned for me and my dreams. Those obviously weren't the ones I was supposed to have. I've never felt closer to Him than I do now and that, that has made me the happiest girl. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Love is knocking at my door

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” —I Corinthians 13:4-8a (NIV)
  I'm sure we've all heard these infamous words spoken at numerous wedding ceremonies, but have you ever thought about what they mean? There is so much depth to this scripture that I can't even contain my excitement! We have been given the guidelines to a perfect love. Who better to instruct us on how to love than the one who showed us the greatest love of all? 
  "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." When you experience true love, these characteristics will be present. He won't be someone who is arrogant, rude or pushy. Chivalric will be his middle name and he will wear kindness and humbleness on his sleeve. "It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong." I don't think you truly understand the definition of self-less until you've fallen in love with someone. If I give up my Zaxby's toast for you or shopping's got to be true love. That's the real indicator! A Godly couple isn't the one is sitting on different sides of the room because they're angry at each other. They're the ones sitting side by side with angry faces! While everyone has their arguments, not everyone handles them the same way.  Forgiveness is key in whatever you do. Sometimes, it's even harder with the one you love but it's oh so important. Maybe that's why our divorce rate is so high, because we can't forgive each other. "Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves. LOVE NEVER FAILS. " 
  I can only describe to you these things because I, now, have experienced this true love and can personally tell you there's nothing better. God has done some amazing works in my life but this, I believe tops them all. Nothing has EVER or will EVER bring me the joy that I have everyday. Knowing that someone's day is made simply because I'm breathing, knowing that someone is willing to do anything for me, and knowing I have another person who loves me unconditionally. I can't begin to describe to you the happiness I feel on a daily basis. I truly believe this is exactly what God wanted, He didn't just send his only son to die for nothing. He sent Him so we could be forgiven, so we could experience things like this. I'm just so happy I've found someone who can give me all this, while try to catch up. 
 I hope everyone finds this love.It's the one Christmas present I would give everyone if I could. Because after you feel something like this, you don't even care about Christmas presents. okay..well maybe if it's the new Lilly Resort Collection...but it's still a close tie! Just kidding!  I am a strong believer that God has created an individual for each of us, and it's just our job to find him/her. And the best part is, a lot of the time God does that part too, we just have to keep our eyes peeled! I think we can love another person other than our soul mate, but we'll never have the kind of love like we're meant to have. You'll never have someone you hate leaving, someone you can't get enough of, someone you stand amazed by. You'll never have that connection or passion God created for you. I'm so happy I've found mine and I hope everyone else finds theirs. But, I think a lot of times, the problem isn't that we don't find them, rather we "think we've found them." That's where we run into the issue of infatuation versus love. What's the difference? 
Here ya go: 
  • Sees the other person as perfect
  • Wants to get own needs met; selfish
  • Spends all time with the other person
  • Quickly “falls” for the other person
  • Other relationships and friendships deteriorate
  • Dependence on the other person causes jealousy frequently
  • Lasts for a short period of time
  • Distance strains and often puts an end to the relationship
  • Quarrels are serious and common
  • Quarrels can seriously damage the relationship
  • Sees the other person’s flaws and still loves them
  • Wants to serve the other person; selfless
  • Still spends time with others
  • Takes time to build the relationship
  • Other relationships and friendships grow stronger
  • Trust and understanding results in less severe and less frequent jealousy
  • Encompasses a long-term commitment
  • Survives and sometimes is strengthened because of distance
  • Quarrels are less serious and less often
  • Quarrels can strengthen the relationship

"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

Where do you stand? Are you still in search for God's match for you? Pray that he sends you a sign. Are you with someone who you're just infatuated with, but not in love with, not the one who you're meant to be with? Pray that God opens your eyes a little wider. It may be that guy who sits beside you in Anatomy but you've just been too caught up to see it. Or maybe you're like me and you've been so blessed to have already found that final missing detail to your Southern Living wedding. Ask God into your relationship. It's just as important as it was to ask Him into your heart. Because, this is going to be your life and you should be ecstatic about that! Happy hunting!

the exhausted girl in pajamas

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Oh, Father give me grace to forgive them."

Definition of GRACE
1. a : unmerited divineassistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification
b : a virtue comingfrom God
c : a state ofsanctification enjoyed through divine grace
d : disposition to oran act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency
e : a temporaryexemption 
f. : a charming orattractive trait or characteristic

These past few weeks have been some of the best and some of the worst ones of my life. The latter part of that sentence was decided by myself. Yes, I was put in situations where anger consumed my nights and happiness my days. At my breaking point tonight I finally decided to take the action I should have from the very beginning; seek help from my Maker. 
First, I should go back a few days ago when my biology professor told us that he was going to give us a two day grace period for our lab report. "Grace period", it's one of those terms you hear on a daily basis but never fully grasp their meaning. Of course, the class grinned ear to ear with excitement knowing they would actually get some sleep tonight! Along with my joy for the change of the due date I began to realize the true meaning of grace. We were all given divine grace with the promise of everlasting life. God sent his only Son to grant us salvation. He has pardoned ALL our sins, regardless if they're big or small. If God can do that, why can't we forgive the small actions of flesh? 

I''ve sat back and let anger prevail in my life for the past few weeks. Anger is the work of flesh, the old sin nature. But, God wants us to change, and He can help us. 

"Walk by the spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh." Galatians 5:16
Live in God's presence, depend on His power and everything will work out

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:31-32

God want us to share the trait of forgiveness with Him. That person we are angry with could need salvation more than anything, meanwhile we are slandering them when they need everything but to be hurt. As hard as it is, we must forgive them. Without that forgiveness that person will control your life, the only driver for your life is your heavenly Father. He is the only one who  you should allow to have power over you. I only wish I would have realized this sooner. 

So, I guess the point here is the cliche "forgive and forget." As impossible as it seems at some points, with God all things are possible. God thought enough of you to send his son to die on a cross for you, think enough of Him to show others the grace and forgiveness He showed you and me. 

The Girl In A Polo and Pearls :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

I think we have a lemon on our hands.

Hey, y'all!! I'm so excited to share my little story with y'all today. First, I should start by telling you that it is coming to you live from Mt. Everest (aka my lofted bed in my dorm room.) It's all good until you realize you forgot to turn out the light! haha

 For those of you who don't know, going hand in hand with my love for shopping is my love for cars! haha Yes, as girly as I am I can tell you a lot about a BMW while walking down the mall.Land Rovers are my favorite though!!! So, if any of you followers are feeling generous today, a silver RR Sport Supercharged would by my pick. haha jk! But, back to my story, I traveled through Columbia yesterday to get to school and of course, we passed by the Land Rover dealership. Knowing I wasn't going to get one my Dad stopped just to let me look. I'm sure a lot of y'all have heard while they are quite glamorous they aren't so reliable. They have very poor crash test ratings, turn over very easily, have bad records of maintenance and most people who have had one say they will never get another. I know what you're thinking, "Casey, how in the world are you going to relate cars to Jesus?" Well, here I go.
I had a lot on my mind on the drive, since I was driving to my new life, a new college and a new place. As any incoming freshman, I was worried, "Are people gonna like me?, What if I don't find any friends." Then, I got to thinking about my great friends I met in high school and are still my best friends. They all love Jesus with all their heart, they're relaible and trustworthy and consistent. That's exactly the type of friends I set out to find in college. Moving in yesterday, I began looking for people who looked like me, thinking that would form some sort of common ground between us. I promise I try my best not to be judgmental, but I'm human. Some of them seemed nice, others not so much. That's when I went back to thinking about Land Rovers. They seem nice on the outside but on the inside you've got a lemon. They're not going to be reliable or trustworthy. Those are not the kind of friends I want.
So, the question here is, Are you a lemon? Do you work properly? They only way you can fix problems with a car is to bring it to a mechanic which is essentially it's maker, so maybe you need to bring your problems to your maker. God can't use lemons to serve him as well as others could. Think about it. Act upon it.
the girl in a tee shirt in a dorm room

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just another day sitting behind a desk looking out to pretty dresses! :)

Hope everyone had an amazing Memorial Day!! Also, my hopes are that while you were spending time with family and making memories with friends that you remembered the true meaning of this holiday. I was watching a local News special last night where they asked people on the streets what Memorial day was. I was appalled by the answers. " A day for family time" "A day for the war" Those were just some of the answers. We need to thank a veteran or current officer any time we see them not just on this particular day. So, to all those who have or currently are serving our country thank you from the deepest part of my heart. Thank you for making all the cookouts and pool parties possible yesterday. 
I actually spent my Memorial Day weekend in Chapel Hill celebrating my sisters birthday! Oh, how I love that area! We shopped in Cameron Village on Sunday where I found a Palm Avenue! I have only had the pleasure of shopping at the one in Charleston. They have furniture, Jack Rogers and so much more! I got a new dress I wore to my sister's birthday dinner for 30% off from the Spring line!! That night we dined at an Italian restaurant below a hotel downtown.  It was delicious! Monday, though, had to be my favorite, we got to spend the day with our fellow DAR members. The parade started that morning followed by a meet and greet with the Veterans. I loved hearing all their stories!! I may just have met some of the wisest men and women that day. The DAR is such a blessing in my life! 
What am I doing today?  Sitting behind my desk at the boutique with a Coke and pop tart waiting for a lovely lady to come buy a beautiful dress! It can be the best yet most boring job! But, I love it! I'm supposed to get a call from Charlotte later this week! Cross your fingers! 
Have a blessed day in the home of the red, white and blue! God bless America! 
-The girl in a polo and pearls- 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why I'm excited today!

Today was very sad day filled with tears, good-byes and new beginnings. It was the last day for most seniors. So, after the dreary day I decided I'd take a moment to list the things I'm excited about!
1. I have an awesome, powerful, merciful Savior. That's something that always winds me up and makes me jump for joy!
2. I'm going shopping this weekend!!
3. My graduation party!
4. I have the BEST friends! They never fail me and keep me going!
5.My Senior year went out with a bang!
6. This weekend!
This is what I do when I'm down, I think of things that make me happy or excite me! So, try it on your next bad day!
Tomorrow's a new day let's paint the town pink, shall we?
The girl in a Polo and pearls

Monday, May 21, 2012

That's what makes you beautiful!

My hair doesn't always fall perfectly in place ( or ever), my awkward moments can't be tallied, and my embarrasing falls keep me laughing.

    I'm far from perfect.  
    As always this story was inspired by something that happened in my life.. so  I'll start with that. It's actaully two stories, one which happened Easter Sunday and the other took place yesterday. It was Easter Sunday everyone was dressed to a tee in their pastels and seersucker quietly waiting in their pew to hear the children's choir sing. I help direct the childern's choir so I got to lead them on satge. ( Little did I know I was the one who would look like a five year old) Anyway, I was strutting it up to the alter in my new one shoulder Lilly dress and seemed to have forgotten to take note of the HUGE fern an inch away from my right foot. I dropped to the floor along with my dignity. It wasn't one of those things where you could say, " Oh, no one saw it!" It was very obvious everyone did. But, about two minutues after that I couldn't stop grinning while leading the kids in Lord I Lift Your Name on High.
If you know me, you know this is just every day life for me and
 I've learned life gets a lot easier when you learn to laugh at yourself!
    The other story. Yesterday we had our baccalaureate service for graduation. I had spent hours going into store after store, dressing room after dressing room in search for the perfect white dress! I finally found it and couldn't wait to wear it! 4:30 the day of the event rolls around so I began to get ready. Within the first five minutues of wearing it I spilt makeup all down the front of it. Freaking out, I got my mom to wash it three times, bleach it and everything and there still was the tan stain that screamed "haha" at me! Needless to say, I was driving all around town 30 minutues before I was supposed to be there looking for a new dress. Thank you Mr. Belk.. I found one! I had a great time and we heard a great message! We actually ended up laughing about it over dinner that night!
   In saying all this NONE of us are perfect. Only our creator who has NEVER sinned but suffered as if he did can be labeled perfect. Perfection may be put on a pedal stool in our society and make us feel like we're only worthy if we have the perfect hair, body, career, car and name. But, I have great news today, God doesn't require you to be perfect..he doesn't even want you to be perfect! He already thinks you're great enough to send his Son to die on a cross for you!! Do you think just because you have the perfect house someone of this world would do that for you? Never. God made you just the way you are for a special reason. Maybe you have a condition that requires you to go to the hospital and recieve treatments on a weekly basis. Where else better to witness that a room full of sick people? God knew that he could use you through that.
  To finish my story of "that girl who tripped on Easter Sunday" I was in the lobby after church waiting for my parents when a visitor apporached me. She was a frail little lady and she said to me, "you're the girl you tripped, right?" With the biggest smile and laugh, I repilied " Yes ma'am you've got the right girl!" Just like that you would have thought we had known each other for years and we began to talk about my favorite subject.. Jesus! She told me she thought she was saved but she wasn't sure so after I talked with her for a while and we were both in tears my pastor took over. The next Wednesday my mom informed me she went up and asked the Lord into her heart. So, my fall, my imperfection made a difference for someone. Had I never fallen she may not have spoken to me, heard about Christ or gotten saved. If anything, be thankful for your imperfections!
"Perfection is my enemy. On my own I'm so clumsy but on your shoudlers I can see I'm free to be me. " - Francesca Battistelli
May your imperfections forever be in your and God's favor!
The girl in a polo and pearls

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Who I am hates who I've been

This week. I created a monster. No it wasn't big, green and scary. You can't find it under your bed. Rather, it is blonde, has blue eyes and is on the other side of the computer screen.

I was not a Proverbs 31 woman this week...or anything close to Christ-like. I found myself engulfed in situations I had never faced. I'm the furthest thing from a drama queen but this week I was wearing the crown. I wanted everyone to have pity on me and be in a bad mood like I was. Normally the happiest girl on earth was angered by others smiles and laughter. I found myself angry at my best friend, the boy of my dreams and my parents. Anything any of those people said or did made me cringe. I had NEVER been so hurt or confused. I don't deal well with confrontation so I tried to just get over it..but that only lead to more rage.
This morning I looked in the mirror and saw a monster. I may have looked completely cheerful in my pink a green sundress and bow but I looked like Shrek on the inside. So, for the first time this week I opened my bible. Within five minutes I had my answer. I had completely ignored God this week. When I needed to climb in my Savior's lap and cry my fears out I strayed further away than I ever have. While I was going all around Florence getting advice I should have stuck to what I knew.
The times that straying away from God seems to be the easiest thing is most likely when you need to be sitting on His shoulders.
The girl in a polo and pearls
P.S An old love has sparked in my life! I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why is this happening to me?!?

"Why did this have to happen to me?" I bet you can't count on your fingers and toes how many times you've said that in your lifetime. Maybe it was that moment when your car wouldn't start and you were already running late. Or when you bought a new pair of white shorts and spilt sweet tea all over them.
Well, I caught myself saying that this morning. I was rushing to get ready and look somewhat decent for school knowing I had to be there at 7:50 to make up a test. You know those mornings where everything seems to go wrong? Good. I'm not alone! To begin I woke up late, my hair wasn't cooperating, I was trying to find my notes that were under the covers, and I couldn't find my earrings. Scurrying to get in my car, almost forgetting to open the garage, I was on my way to school at 7:50. Meanwhile, my dad called me and asked if I was okay? Of course I said yes, why? He began to tell me there was a wreck the same route I took to school, a young girl was hit head on by a careless driver. I immediately broke down in years upon the realization...that could have been me. God LET me wake up late and sent an angel to hide my earnings. Blessings don't always come wrapped up in pink and green paper. When it seems like everything is against you maybe it's all for you! That girl did nothing wrong, that should have been me! It's the same time I would have been on the road but God has more to do with my life to end it now. I wouldn't ever wish someone to sacrifice themselves for me but it was God's will. God has a motive behind everything that happens in your life. The good and the bad. Praise Him through the rough times and when you're on cloud nine.
Your phone is out of service and you need to call your friend back? She only had news to tell you that someone was slandering you. God didn't want that to ruin your day so he took care of it. You didn't get into the college you wanted? God knew it wasn't the place for you to continue your walk with Christ. You can thank him later. God is never out to harm you! So, next time when you just think, " Why me?" turn in into a positive statement because you know it's a blessing in disguise.
May many blessings come your way,
The girl In a polo and pearls

Friday, May 4, 2012

My Ode

A long time ago my mom read me this book called," An Ode to the Nice Girls". Needless to say, I wanted to be like those the age of five! I won't give you a synopsis, I'll let you read that on your own time, but I'd like to share with you My Ode. An ode to the fellow girls like me. The good girls. This is for the girls who love their parents and wouldn't trade their siblings for the world. When it would be easier to just throw on booty shorts and a halter top, you put on a Lilly dress. You know you could dress like a slut and have all the guys in the world but you choose not to. Thank you for being different. This is for every girl who knows the best guys aren't seated on the stool down at the bar-they're sitting at home watching a football game on the couch with their dad and brothers. You, that girl who's never had a boyfriend because you refuse to lower your standards, I applaud you. Those of you who aren't ashamed to go to church and get in the Word, thank you for standing up in what you believe in. Have you stood up for someone lately? You'll never know how much that meant to them, so thank you from both of us. Thank you for not being ashamed to go to the movies with your mom, you'll never know how your kindness brings her to tears.To the girls that babysit for their teachers on a Friday night to raise money for charity, God bless your heart. For those girls who dealt with a breakup with a few good friends and a pint of Ben and Jerry's rather than sabotaging your ex, congratulations for being the better person. If you've been humble enough to admit you were wrong and apologize I look up to you. For each of you that would never consider comprising, I give you a standing ovation. To the girl who broke up with her boyfriend who was pressuring her, thank you for not giving in.
You wouldn't be caught dead in a club dancing all over someone you just met. You'd pick a night with the girls than a date with a jerk. You laugh at your awkwardness and laugh when things are serious. You laugh at yourself more than anything. You invest in your friendships. When everyone is being swayed,you hold fast to what you know. Your promise is never broken and secrets are never shared. You would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings. Being respected ranks high on your list. You go to a party every once in a while, but you're not known as the wild one. You know your beauty goes beyond the makeup.
Yes, we're hard to find but we're worth it! So, thank you to all the good girls!
The girl in a Lilly dress and pearls

Saturday, April 28, 2012

The lucky ones

I finally got the chance to go see the latest Nicholas Sparks movie, The Lucky One! I've read all the books and am a huge fan! It was a great movie..not to mention getting to watch Zac Efron for two hours! God spends extra time creating guys like of God's beautiful creations.
Of course, if you know anything about Spark's novels, you know he writes love stories. However, to me the father figure aspect stuck out more to me in this film than the love story. It's about a single mom(Beth) whose hope is running thin and has a violent ex husband(Kevin). Zac Efron is a marine who came to find her. Little did he know her brother was also a marine who died just a little while back. Zac Efron began seeing Beth. He was the dad to Ben(Beth's son) that his real dad never had been. He cradled him in his arms, showed him unconditional love and picked him up when he fell. This is exactly what our Father in heaven does for us everyday! Maybe you don't have a great birth father in your life.. but I have exciting news for you,your Father in heaven will always be there! He will NEVER walk out on you, leave your family for a new life, or decide he doesn't want to be in your life anymore.

I'm blessed to have an awesome father both in heaven and on earth but not everyone does. That's why we need to learn to put our trust in God and NOT in things of this world.

Think back to when you were about five. You and your mom had the best day together, you had a play date with your friends, planted a new flower, and helped her cook dinner but there was nothing like dad coming home. When he walked in the door you would reach up and he would sweep you off your feet. When's the last time you've raised your hands like that? Perhaps last Sunday in church. That's the universal body language for help. We can reach up and ask our heavenly father for help just like we can our birth fathers. No, he won't pick us up and clam us with his voice but he can do so much more. I wish I knew why that dad  left his two year old son and blushing bride after a small argument. The dad who never felt "complete" in the family I want to know why he didn't think that through earlier. The dad who took out his anger on his innocent family I want to hit him in the face with a skillet. We don't know why these things happen..but we do know we'll always have our Father in heaven. For you few guys who read my blog, where are you men of courage? Know that you should be as similar as possible to the father in heaven. He is your role model and that's how he wants fathers to be.

I won't spoil the ending but Zac Efron nearly sacrifices his own life for Ben much like Christ sacrificed for us. He didn't do it for the glory or the honor he did it because he knew what he was dying for. Also, they found out Zac Efron was where Beth's brother was killed and technically it should have been HIM killed in that explosion. It's almost if he died so he could live. Much like the crucifixion. That was our cross and our nails but he took the blame for us. In saying all this, maybe us girls don't get to marry Zac Efron but I believe we all are the lucky ones. I couldn't think of anything as lucky as having unconditional love, forgiveness and eternal life. So, I consider all of us The Lucky Ones.
The girl in a polo and pearls
I give this movie and book 5 stars!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Prince Charming

"He'll have blonde hair and green eyes. Height? He'll be a few inches taller. Wait. Scratch that. His eyes will be blue...turquoise." I'm sure all of us can relate to this story as a little girl. Whether you were like me and played "wedding" in the pool house or had that certain someone whose name was always used in the K-I-S-S-I-N-G song,we all had dreams of finding our prince charming!
Back then, it seemed appearance was number visuals seem to take a toll on children. While I still swoon over a gent in a pastel oxford I've learned that isn't the most important thing.
Well...I've met someone new.. He loves Jesus more than anything. Chivalry and southern hospitality run through his veins. He has a dream and a plan. The lake or the beach..that's where you'll find him over the summer. That guy coaching his brothers little league..that's him. The one standing out as "that Christian guy" at school,I'll back him any day.Well mannered and smart, you hit the nail right on the head. A republican? Of course! Out on the course with his friends? He's the one in the terra-cotta shirt.
I think we all have a mentality of our prince charming in our's just finding him. I truly believe God made someone else for each of us on this earth and has a plan for us to meet up at some point. The other day I read a statistic that said 80% of people have meet who they're going to marry before they're 18. Crazy, right?
Our society takes relationships so lightly this day and time. I'm blessed to have a family who doesn't! Actually, what inspired me to write this was something "someone new" said to my parents on our first date. My dad led us out with a: (the typical dad of a teenage daughter) "take care of her and have her home by 12." " I'll take care of her. She's the daughter of the King of Kings so she'll be treated like the princess she is."
Maybe he's the guy you pass on the way to work everyday, the guy whose been your best friend for years, the guy at the table beside you at the restaurant. all of you I hope you find your prince charming wherever he may be!
The girl in a polo and pearls

Sunday, April 22, 2012

This one is for the girls! Please do not cry!

First day of 10th grade. I walked into my first period class with a smile, khaki skirt, Sperry's and blue vineyard vines polo. I had stayed up all night packing all of my pink and green binders and pencils into my new pink L.L. Bean book bag. I opened the door and walked towards a group of girls just as nervous as I was. Well...maybe it didn't go exactly as "picture perfect" as that but thought those first few months we all met one way or another. I don't know why,but we all clicked.

Then, just like that, I blinked.

Three years had gone by leaving us with nothing but whiplash. In less than two months we'll be graduating. In June, I'll walk into the Civic Center in my hair-ruining cap and God awful oversized blue gown. I'll open that door to the ever so giggling group of girls I call my best-friends.
So, here's a letter to y'all:
No matter how much we want to deny it..these are our last few months of high school. We all will grow up a little and venture out beyond the doors of South Florence. Some of us become hairstylists, go off to PC or Full Sail with big dreams of marriage, sororities, football games, semi-formals and new beginnings. Things ARE going to be different. We can't try to look over that. Yes, we will all be only a phone call away..but when you don't talk to someone for a while the call is hard to make. There will be no more Friday night football games, sleepovers, late night McDonalds runs, family trips, Cruises, Spring Breaks, movie nights, gossip sessions, tanning days or stalking adventures! We can call each other about our new boy drama but it just won't be the same. We won't be able to just drive down the street to one another's house just on the whim. No more fast food trips after Early D.There will be no more rants from me about my "health issues" on a daily biases. Haha We'll all have different schedules and routines. Yes, we will reunite on the holidays and breaks and so forth but we won't be as close as we have been. There will be no more stories of "salting the watermelon" or clubbing together. We won't be able to go Zapata's together and have "chicken in our hearts". We won't be able go rummage through each others closets in hopes of finding the perfect outfit. Driving around just because we can will cease. We won't pass each other in the hall and exchange a little "love ya girl" smile. All the awkward stories though...they'll never end. I'll never forget all the inside jokes and embarrassing moments we've shared.I'll never forget any of you being there for me when I needed it the most..even if it was just a laugh.
Turner and Emma. You girls weren't there back in 10th grade. But I love y'all so much and will miss y'all so much when I go to college. We have made some lasting memories and have a map to prove it! I can't wait for y'all l older and share with me all your experiences through high school! I know y'all will enjoy it as much as I did! Don't miss out on ANY opportunity that comes to your doorstep. Although we're really good friends I hope you two still look up to me and know you will always be able to come to me for anything!Don't get in too much trouble and don't get too boy crazy! Stand your solid ground and never give up. Watch out for "P-jerks" and Anatomy!
I hope we all stay in touch wherever life takes us! And, that we realize the importance of making memories these lay few months. You girls are some of the ones I want as my bridesmaids at my wedding, by my side as I decorate my first home, holding my children, having group date nights with our husbands,watching my children grow up, vacationing together, sitting beside me in my wheelchair at the nursing home( Lord knows we'll be the ones acting like 5 year olds laughing and flirting with the guy across the hall) and eventually the ones I grow gray with! My biggest fear is we'll all go off saying we'll plan things together and they'll never happen. We'll never speak again. We'll never see each other again. Our friendship doesn't have to end when I walk across that stage in my new Kate Spade heels. Just because of name has been called to go onto a higher place doesn't mean we have to forget those that stood by our sides while we're there. So, let's make the best of what we can while we're all here together! Remember YOLO..unless I'm driving.
The friend in a polo and pearls
P.S Please take the no makeup vow will me for graduation!! Mine will be running down my face before we pull in the parking lot!

Monday, April 16, 2012

It all started with a girl and a dream. My Proverbs 31 Ministry!!

You all know how I am about dreams and visions..I make them happen or die tryin'! Well.. A few years ago I had a vision of creating a type of "Proverbs 31 ministry" for young girls. Sure they had these for adults but that was a little too late I thought. So, I talked with my mom about it and we got to work. I wanted to start with a few of the GA's from my church.
My mission was to show girls what becoming a Proverbs 31 woman was all about. My plan was to introduce them to the beautiful book of Proverbs and sink into their minds what they needed to be. Then I wanted to add a little bit of southern style and etiquette. We would take a little shopping trip and learn the "right" way to dress.. to attract the right type of boys. Then we would have a little dinner and learn all the do's and dont's of fine dining! After I had that with my girls we would use I as an outreach ministry, taking a Saturday to give some girls in a shelter the same experience! Teaching the girls to be charitable while making young girls who have nothing smile as big as the Cooper River Bridge.
I knew this would take a lot of funds. So..I began consigning my clothes, babysitting, having yard sales, doing alterations for people and selling cakes. The church would have gladly funded me but I wanted it to be something I did completely on my own.
This Wednesday night will begin my Proverbs 31 ministry. It's taken 2 years to get the funds and support but I did it!! My prayer is that I will help shape a Godly, charitable and mannerly generation of young ladies! It starts small but it could turn into something massive! My dream is these girls will continue this and their daughters will and so on. Even if I only change one'll be worth it.
I have to throw in a little Lilly here! She is my inspiration! We all know the story it started with a juice stand.. she would sell juice from her juice stand in Florida and she began to love the bright stains that covered her dress by the end p the day! If she could build a multi- million dollar company from a juice stand why couldn't I start a ministry? So, thank you Mrs. Lilly!
Dream big. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't make a difference. Never give up. One person can change millions of lives. I'm living proof that you CAN make a difference!!
The girl in a polo and pearls
"Having no charity in your heart is the worst type of heart trouble." -Lilly Pulitzer

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Calling all Lilly lovers!!

We all know the only thing better than Lilly is Lilly on sale!!! Just thought I'd give a heads up to those of y'all go haven't heard about the two day sale coming up! I have done a lot of business with ocean palm who is having a sale and they are great! Rue la la is having one soon too!! Happy shopping!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

We only had a few days and a whole lot of memories to make

Well I just got back from spring break! I had a great week with the best girls! We didn't need a lot..just some tanning oil, sun, floppy hats and cute boys! Our days were filled with laying out, late night talks, and shopping! The one factor that made this spring break do special was it was our SENIOR spring break!

If heaven was not so far away I would pack up the kids and go for theday

As I laid on my pink beach towel on myrtle beach amongst all the children laughing, couples strolling hand in hand and FM radios blaring I began to ponder. Yes, I'm that girl glistening in tanning oil, reading a novel about the low country and playing in the sand. I LOVE THE BEACH. Surrounded by everything I could ever dream of I began to this what heaven will be like? I'd love to just have a small sneak peek of where ill be spending eternity. I have never wondered that before.I know it will be awesome because it was created by our awesome God but what will it be like? Will it be a huge beach with never ending waves and serenity? Will it be a steakhouse with never ending Heinz 57? Will it be a world where everyone is dressed in Lilly Pulitzer? I think those places are all just our small pieces of heaven on earth. Think about your favorite place in the whole world! Perhaps it's the Bahamas or your couch when your favorite T.V show is on. Maybe it's boating on a warm day or skiing in the alps?
Whatever your heaven on earth is I hope it can quench your thirst until our creator calls you home to discover the real heaven.
The girl in a polo an pearls

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cinderella is living proof that a shoe can change a life.

Shoes. Oh how I love them. Heels. Flats. Sandals. Boots. I can't get enough. Shoes have served as fashion icons and the compliment to any cute outfit for ages. But, could they have a deeper meaning? Definitely!
First, I'd like to introduce you to my collection! Well my summer collection.
I have to begin with all my Jackie's!! These shoes have walked me into the first day of school, football games, and many late night McDonalds trips with the girls! They've seen me through smiles and tears!
Next, my brown Gucci's. These were the shoes I wore on my first date! These shoes taught me to be confident. I was so excited my sophomore year to have a date with a senior so I rushed home from school that Friday and immediately started getting ready! I had the perfect outfit planned and was in the middle of curling my hair. I don't wear much makeup but I decided I would that night. Finally I was ready! 10 minutes prior to my dates arrival I looked in the mirror and said," this Isn't me." Running my fingers through my hair attempting to take the curls out and splashing my face with water I spotted the shoes. I didn't know what to wear with them but I was going to wear them. In a matter of seconds I found the perfect dress and I was on my way! Those shoes gave me the confidence no amount of make up could have and they got me a second date!! ;)
My white Tory Burch's. These shoes above all taught me to be strong. I wore these to my sisters graduation. I fought back the tears and fears knowing that I would be the only one home now. These same shoes also walked me down the isle of the First Baptist Church of Lancaster where my grandmothers funeral was held.
My tennis shoes. They have taught me the importance of endurance and hard work. I go to the gym 5 days a week with these shoes so we have a very close relationship! They've taught me to never give up and keep trying even if the results aren't immediate. Of course, they're pink and green!
My alligator skin Ralph Lauren's. These shoes have taught me social graces. These have been sported at countless social events and will even be worn to my deb ball reception. They have served as some great conversation starters and allowed me to walk in full confidence and class.
My dear 5th avenues. These very shoes gave me something that no other pair ever will. I made my way out of the pew and kneeled at the alter and asked Jesus into my heart in these very shoes. This was four years ago and I still feel blessed every time I wear them. I may loose these shoes or give them to charity but no one will ever be able to take away the relationship I found while wearing these shoes.
I wish I had all my shoes from my childhood that I could go on and on about! I thought I had my shag shoes from when I was 7 at my first shag lesson but we've misplaced them!
Where have your shoes taken you? Perhaps they took you up to the alter where you said a prayer and asked the good Lord into your heart. Maybe they taught you humility because you took a graceful tumble in them! I don't know what the story is behind your shoes but I hope you have some good ones!
Here's to the girls who believe you can never have too many friends or shoes!
Xoxo, the girl in a Lacoste polo and pearls

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What is pink and green and white underneath?

Why, my freshly dyed Easter egg of course!
Sunday we'll stroll into our sanctuary hugging those we haven't seen in a year while shooting a friendly smile to our Sunday school members. I'll look out onto a crowd clothed in pastels and seersucker..just the way I like it of course!!! Easter is a pretty big deal in the south and it's an even bigger deal in my family! Easter is truly my favorite day of the year..but it hasn't always been. Yes, I'm eager to pull out my white shoes and seersucker sun dresses but it's about the greatest gift we could have ever been given! Forgiveness! Eternal life!
Seeing as I'm no ordained minister perhaps I should take us back a few years ago...when Easter was my least favorite day! It began with my mom shouting up the stairs,"girls, wake up it's Easter! Come see what the Easter bunny brought for you!" I'm pretty sure we were up before God himself. My sister seared my eyeballs out with the bright white light fixture above my bed. It wasn't even day light yet and I was dragged from the deepest pit of sleep to stand on a windy hill and sing hymns. Well.. finally my sister and I, against our own will, were dressed to a tee in our matching seersucker dresses, monogrammed head bands and white maryjanes. As our mother looked us over searching to find another flaw to ruin this day, we met up with our cousin. Oh, we thought we had it bad. He was 7 at the time dressed in his starched neck- choking Oxford, seersucker suit and windsor knotted tie. What a cutie! (Keep in mind this was when we were 5 and wouldn't know fashion if it slapped us in the face!) Anyway, we were on our way to church hearing our mothers snicker and share the latest clothing purchases they made and hearing our fathers talk about politics while we were giggling at our cousin! Finally we were seated and ready to hear the word. Pastor Mike began to read from John... he preached about some man being nailed to a cross. A thorn was placed upon his head and he was beaten with a cat of nine tails.Then, three days later he arose from the grave.
Seeing this from the perspective of a toddler isn't very helpful but what we need to understand is that Jesus died for our sins. He endured such pain and suffering so that we would have eternal life!! It's kinda like when you go to ring up your groceries at piggly wiggly and you reach for your wallet and the cashier says its already been paid for. Jesus paid the price for our sins so we wouldn't have to! There's no greater love! He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our sins.The punishment that brought us peace was upon him. By his wounds we are healed.
Well the service came to an end and the sun was actually starting to come out! That meant it was time to eat! We all were seated at our grandmothers oak table where she had been slaving over the stove for hours to prepare the perfect meal! Let me introduce you to Mr. Charles..don't get me wrong he's a fine Christian man but he had that kind of long southern drawl that made you wanna yell," spit it out already!" To make it even better his false teeth that clacked with every word. He began to bless the food and thank God for sending his son and for saving us. Which was more like, "lord, (clack-clack) thank you for this food (clack-clack) As if he weren't enough I have another uncle who's a whistler. So when they carried on a conversation I ran as far as I could! We all sat around and gawked over everyone's attire until the sun went up again.
Now, that I am a born again Christian and have a sense of style I love Easter! I can't wait to get up before the chickens to praise a God who's worthy! If you're attitude on Sunday will be one similar to mine as a child..I pray for your salvation. So, go out Sunday and enjoy the bright colors and beautiful dresses but don't forget the price you were bought at!
"Living he loved me. Dying he saved me. Buried he carried my sins far away. Rising he justified freely forever. One day he's coming oh glorious day."
May you have a blessed Easter!
Xoxo, the girl in a Lilly dress and pearls

Sunday, April 1, 2012

One dress. One night. One last time.

Sorry for being MIA the last few days!! I had a very crazy, busy, amazing weekend!!! I'm sure you know I'm going to tell you all about it!
Well, Friday after school I was running all around town trying to finish last minute things.Sitting there with my list on my moms stationary:nails,tech exam, white strips, pick up the laundry I was overwhelmed and quite frankly exhausted. Finally,I was able to meet up with my wonderful mother at one of our favorite local grills, Starfire. We chatted about our hectic day, (meaning they didn't have her size in these dainty Kate spades she wanted) and shared some good laughs all while sipping on our sweet tea. Declining an invite to hang out with one of my best girls..I was stuck babysitting the kids I call the devils advocates. Okay.. well maybe that's a little harsh but you get the picture.( I'll have to share those stories later! ) Arriving home around 11:45 after crossing the yellow lines on the road a few times too many, my enthusiastic mother is standing in the kitchen with a cookie cutter and powdered sugar everywhere. Yes, she was up at 12 am baking cookies for the Carolina Cup. Tired as I was, I put on my pink and green monogrammed apron and got to work.
I know you're thinking, "wait she said amazing weekend, right?" "When does that play in?" Here it goes. The Carolina cup!! It's a tradition every year for my family. All the ladies go up to Pawleys and pick out our favorite Lilly print from the resort collection and each girl chooses the style of dress they can't get enough of! This was my choice for my date and I. Too cute, right? Much to my despair, CC and prom were on the same day!! But, I took it in stride and brushed it off my shoulders!So, having to leave the Cup at 4, get ready, hair appt at 5:45 and miss group pictures I was flustered to the max!!
Quick giggle segment and award to myself for being a klutz! It was raining at the beginning so there were mud puddles everywhere! Well.. I saw this very handsome gent..alone..wearing a bow tie the same print as my dress! Can someone say great conversation starter? Well as I attempted to "strut" his way I gracefully.. not even going to sugar coat it.. I did a complete face plant in a pile of mud. Welcome to my life. At least he rushed by my side with the million other "bless you hearts" and helped me up. Haha Trying to regain any dignity I had left I very timidly asked him, "ya wouldn't happen to have a tide to go pen would ya?" and he quickly responded, "I think you're going to need more than that!" Meanwhile I'm attempting to make my once yellow dress anything but the shade of black, I noticed a man, mid 30's ,dressed in camo and boots. Not the typical Cup wear. Out of courtesy I thanked him for serving our country. He took note of my pearl in-crested cross adorned upon my neck and told me he'd like to get one for his daughter. I began rambling of the boutique my grandmother purchased it at and spitting out directions.. When It hit me... It's not the piece of jewelry it's the reason the jewelry was made. I stopped mid sentence and asked him about his faith. He began to tell me his testimony and how the military had deterred him from his walk with Christ but that would soon be changing. I witnessed a man who wakes up everyday prepared to die for his country break down in tears. We wept and talked for an hour. I was sitting over here freaking out about having a little mud on my dress while a man beside me had lost his relationship with God he had once known. God planned for my "terrible tumble" to happen so I would meet this person. Amazed.
May you always be bold. Always be courageous. Always be ready to witness.
Now, without further adieu PROM!!! After playing dress up for two hours it was 8 pm and I was walking into my senior prom!!! My dress was very simple and classy. A baby pink with a crescent back accompanied by my grandmothers pearls and a new Kate spade wristlet. I was a little worried because I was going as friends for the first time I tried to remain positive. Im that girl who never sits down at dances. It's a dance after all, right? Drinks were spilled, hearts were moved, memories were created and friends were made.Directly leaving the prom we headed down to the lake house. Quickly.. I found out my date had no sense of direction! What should have been an hour trip turned into a 2 hour journey! Fortunately, he and I are the type of people that can talk about anything and that's what we did for the whole entire trip! It's probably the longest conversation I've had with someone this year that didn't involve college!! Thank you!!! After the laughs and memories were exchanged we found ourselves having the night of our lives with the best people, some I've known for ages and some I'd just met, it didn't matter. Then we spent Sunday soaking up the sun on the lake. Jet skis ,boats and laughter filled our day.Maybe we got a little crazy. Maybe we had a little too much fun. Did some things we aren't proud of. But it was definitely a night to remember!
To all future prom goers..have the time of your lives!!!
Xoxo, the girl in a Gingham Dress and pearls