Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why is this happening to me?!?

"Why did this have to happen to me?" I bet you can't count on your fingers and toes how many times you've said that in your lifetime. Maybe it was that moment when your car wouldn't start and you were already running late. Or when you bought a new pair of white shorts and spilt sweet tea all over them.
Well, I caught myself saying that this morning. I was rushing to get ready and look somewhat decent for school knowing I had to be there at 7:50 to make up a test. You know those mornings where everything seems to go wrong? Good. I'm not alone! To begin I woke up late, my hair wasn't cooperating, I was trying to find my notes that were under the covers, and I couldn't find my earrings. Scurrying to get in my car, almost forgetting to open the garage, I was on my way to school at 7:50. Meanwhile, my dad called me and asked if I was okay? Of course I said yes, why? He began to tell me there was a wreck the same route I took to school, a young girl was hit head on by a careless driver. I immediately broke down in years upon the realization...that could have been me. God LET me wake up late and sent an angel to hide my earnings. Blessings don't always come wrapped up in pink and green paper. When it seems like everything is against you maybe it's all for you! That girl did nothing wrong, that should have been me! It's the same time I would have been on the road but God has more to do with my life to end it now. I wouldn't ever wish someone to sacrifice themselves for me but it was God's will. God has a motive behind everything that happens in your life. The good and the bad. Praise Him through the rough times and when you're on cloud nine.
Your phone is out of service and you need to call your friend back? She only had news to tell you that someone was slandering you. God didn't want that to ruin your day so he took care of it. You didn't get into the college you wanted? God knew it wasn't the place for you to continue your walk with Christ. You can thank him later. God is never out to harm you! So, next time when you just think, " Why me?" turn in into a positive statement because you know it's a blessing in disguise.
May many blessings come your way,
The girl In a polo and pearls

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