Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's about to get tense

This week has been one that has seemed to drag on forever maybe it's because I'm ready for the weekend or the fact that only 6 days separate me from Thanksgiving break! Yes, I'm also the girl who is already counting the days until Christmas! Well on the joyous note of those holidays, I've entered into a very joyous season in my life as well. As a "new Christian" I found myself needing to be fed God's word if there was any event or camp I would count down the hours until we were leaving because I could NOT get enough Jesus! Well, since this summer I seemed to have exited that stage and felt like that wasn't enough anymore. I began to see how others were not only attending these events but were helping with them and finding their own callings which caused me to turn an awful shade of green. I didn't understand why God hadn't led me to do any of these things. " Am I not a good enough Christian?" I began to question everything and in some way didn't really  want to be apart of anything anymore. I almost felt bitter about the whole thing as if some sort of politician who lost an election. Recently I've had a lot of frustration and anger towards a lot of things particularly towards the one person I would never want to harm. You know everyone says, " people only want Jesus when they need Him." That was me. Red handed. I had somewhat turned away from God until I needed some help and a lot of answers. So, I began looking up sermons and biblical advice about relationships and marriages. This is something I've always been very passionate about and have been eager to learn about. After many late nights staying up, taking notes and absorbing all I could I decided all my questions were answered and I felt good about my decisions. As I woke up this morning to go to chapel I seemed to have a bit more pep in my step than usually at 9 am, we had a guest speaker from Colorado speak this morning. He was an older gray haired man who looked like he could be my grandfather and was as cute as a button. He said the word purity, saying that to a group of college students creates a silence where you could hear a pen drop. What he said was one of the most profound and true phrases I've ever heard,
"Your generation is so concerned with everything being  pure,( water, air, gas, dairy products,)but yourself." 
That's when it truly came apparent to me that I had found my calling. God didn't have me sitting down watching sermon after sermon for no reason, I can use my knowledge to help others. From sharing those videos and my knowledge hundreds of marriages could be saved or relationships that will end in a divorce could be stopped. Someone could actually realize how they're supposed to treat their other half or how to find that person and have a Godly relationship. This is what our world needs more than ever, you would be surprised some people don't even know what's right or wrong in a relationship because they've never been taught. I'm no Dr. Phil nor do I intend to be but I feel I've gone through these obstacles in my life for a reason and if that is only changing one relationship than it's worth the price. Saying that, instead of me rambling on all night long I'm just going to post a few of the sermons I watched and let you make your own opinion and decisions. 
The girl in a polo and pearls 

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