Thursday, August 30, 2012

I think we have a lemon on our hands.

Hey, y'all!! I'm so excited to share my little story with y'all today. First, I should start by telling you that it is coming to you live from Mt. Everest (aka my lofted bed in my dorm room.) It's all good until you realize you forgot to turn out the light! haha

 For those of you who don't know, going hand in hand with my love for shopping is my love for cars! haha Yes, as girly as I am I can tell you a lot about a BMW while walking down the mall.Land Rovers are my favorite though!!! So, if any of you followers are feeling generous today, a silver RR Sport Supercharged would by my pick. haha jk! But, back to my story, I traveled through Columbia yesterday to get to school and of course, we passed by the Land Rover dealership. Knowing I wasn't going to get one my Dad stopped just to let me look. I'm sure a lot of y'all have heard while they are quite glamorous they aren't so reliable. They have very poor crash test ratings, turn over very easily, have bad records of maintenance and most people who have had one say they will never get another. I know what you're thinking, "Casey, how in the world are you going to relate cars to Jesus?" Well, here I go.
I had a lot on my mind on the drive, since I was driving to my new life, a new college and a new place. As any incoming freshman, I was worried, "Are people gonna like me?, What if I don't find any friends." Then, I got to thinking about my great friends I met in high school and are still my best friends. They all love Jesus with all their heart, they're relaible and trustworthy and consistent. That's exactly the type of friends I set out to find in college. Moving in yesterday, I began looking for people who looked like me, thinking that would form some sort of common ground between us. I promise I try my best not to be judgmental, but I'm human. Some of them seemed nice, others not so much. That's when I went back to thinking about Land Rovers. They seem nice on the outside but on the inside you've got a lemon. They're not going to be reliable or trustworthy. Those are not the kind of friends I want.
So, the question here is, Are you a lemon? Do you work properly? They only way you can fix problems with a car is to bring it to a mechanic which is essentially it's maker, so maybe you need to bring your problems to your maker. God can't use lemons to serve him as well as others could. Think about it. Act upon it.
the girl in a tee shirt in a dorm room

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