I'm far from perfect.
As always this story was inspired by something that happened in my life.. so I'll start with that. It's actaully two stories, one which happened Easter Sunday and the other took place yesterday. It was Easter Sunday everyone was dressed to a tee in their pastels and seersucker quietly waiting in their pew to hear the children's choir sing. I help direct the childern's choir so I got to lead them on satge. ( Little did I know I was the one who would look like a five year old) Anyway, I was strutting it up to the alter in my new one shoulder Lilly dress and seemed to have forgotten to take note of the HUGE fern an inch away from my right foot. I dropped to the floor along with my dignity. It wasn't one of those things where you could say, " Oh, no one saw it!" It was very obvious everyone did. But, about two minutues after that I couldn't stop grinning while leading the kids in Lord I Lift Your Name on High. If you know me, you know this is just every day life for me and
I've learned life gets a lot easier when you learn to laugh at yourself!
The other story. Yesterday we had our baccalaureate service for graduation. I had spent hours going into store after store, dressing room after dressing room in search for the perfect white dress! I finally found it and couldn't wait to wear it! 4:30 the day of the event rolls around so I began to get ready. Within the first five minutues of wearing it I spilt makeup all down the front of it. Freaking out, I got my mom to wash it three times, bleach it and everything and there still was the tan stain that screamed "haha" at me! Needless to say, I was driving all around town 30 minutues before I was supposed to be there looking for a new dress. Thank you Mr. Belk.. I found one! I had a great time and we heard a great message! We actually ended up laughing about it over dinner that night! In saying all this NONE of us are perfect. Only our creator who has NEVER sinned but suffered as if he did can be labeled perfect. Perfection may be put on a pedal stool in our society and make us feel like we're only worthy if we have the perfect hair, body, career, car and name. But, I have great news today, God doesn't require you to be perfect..he doesn't even want you to be perfect! He already thinks you're great enough to send his Son to die on a cross for you!! Do you think just because you have the perfect house someone of this world would do that for you? Never. God made you just the way you are for a special reason. Maybe you have a condition that requires you to go to the hospital and recieve treatments on a weekly basis. Where else better to witness that a room full of sick people? God knew that he could use you through that.
To finish my story of "that girl who tripped on Easter Sunday" I was in the lobby after church waiting for my parents when a visitor apporached me. She was a frail little lady and she said to me, "you're the girl you tripped, right?" With the biggest smile and laugh, I repilied " Yes ma'am you've got the right girl!" Just like that you would have thought we had known each other for years and we began to talk about my favorite subject.. Jesus! She told me she thought she was saved but she wasn't sure so after I talked with her for a while and we were both in tears my pastor took over. The next Wednesday my mom informed me she went up and asked the Lord into her heart. So, my fall, my imperfection made a difference for someone. Had I never fallen she may not have spoken to me, heard about Christ or gotten saved. If anything, be thankful for your imperfections!
"Perfection is my enemy. On my own I'm so clumsy but on your shoudlers I can see I'm free to be me. " - Francesca Battistelli
May your imperfections forever be in your and God's favor!
The girl in a polo and pearls
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