Friday, May 4, 2012

My Ode

A long time ago my mom read me this book called," An Ode to the Nice Girls". Needless to say, I wanted to be like those the age of five! I won't give you a synopsis, I'll let you read that on your own time, but I'd like to share with you My Ode. An ode to the fellow girls like me. The good girls. This is for the girls who love their parents and wouldn't trade their siblings for the world. When it would be easier to just throw on booty shorts and a halter top, you put on a Lilly dress. You know you could dress like a slut and have all the guys in the world but you choose not to. Thank you for being different. This is for every girl who knows the best guys aren't seated on the stool down at the bar-they're sitting at home watching a football game on the couch with their dad and brothers. You, that girl who's never had a boyfriend because you refuse to lower your standards, I applaud you. Those of you who aren't ashamed to go to church and get in the Word, thank you for standing up in what you believe in. Have you stood up for someone lately? You'll never know how much that meant to them, so thank you from both of us. Thank you for not being ashamed to go to the movies with your mom, you'll never know how your kindness brings her to tears.To the girls that babysit for their teachers on a Friday night to raise money for charity, God bless your heart. For those girls who dealt with a breakup with a few good friends and a pint of Ben and Jerry's rather than sabotaging your ex, congratulations for being the better person. If you've been humble enough to admit you were wrong and apologize I look up to you. For each of you that would never consider comprising, I give you a standing ovation. To the girl who broke up with her boyfriend who was pressuring her, thank you for not giving in.
You wouldn't be caught dead in a club dancing all over someone you just met. You'd pick a night with the girls than a date with a jerk. You laugh at your awkwardness and laugh when things are serious. You laugh at yourself more than anything. You invest in your friendships. When everyone is being swayed,you hold fast to what you know. Your promise is never broken and secrets are never shared. You would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings. Being respected ranks high on your list. You go to a party every once in a while, but you're not known as the wild one. You know your beauty goes beyond the makeup.
Yes, we're hard to find but we're worth it! So, thank you to all the good girls!
The girl in a Lilly dress and pearls

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