Why, my freshly dyed Easter egg of course!
Sunday we'll stroll into our sanctuary hugging those we haven't seen in a year while shooting a friendly smile to our Sunday school members. I'll look out onto a crowd clothed in pastels and seersucker..just the way I like it of course!!! Easter is a pretty big deal in the south and it's an even bigger deal in my family! Easter is truly my favorite day of the year..but it hasn't always been. Yes, I'm eager to pull out my white shoes and seersucker sun dresses but it's about the greatest gift we could have ever been given! Forgiveness! Eternal life!
Seeing as I'm no ordained minister perhaps I should take us back a few years ago...when Easter was my least favorite day! It began with my mom shouting up the stairs,"girls, wake up it's Easter! Come see what the Easter bunny brought for you!" I'm pretty sure we were up before God himself. My sister seared my eyeballs out with the bright white light fixture above my bed. It wasn't even day light yet and I was dragged from the deepest pit of sleep to stand on a windy hill and sing hymns. Well.. finally my sister and I, against our own will, were dressed to a tee in our matching seersucker dresses, monogrammed head bands and white maryjanes. As our mother looked us over searching to find another flaw to ruin this day, we met up with our cousin. Oh, we thought we had it bad. He was 7 at the time dressed in his starched neck- choking Oxford, seersucker suit and windsor knotted tie. What a cutie! (Keep in mind this was when we were 5 and wouldn't know fashion if it slapped us in the face!) Anyway, we were on our way to church hearing our mothers snicker and share the latest clothing purchases they made and hearing our fathers talk about politics while we were giggling at our cousin! Finally we were seated and ready to hear the word. Pastor Mike began to read from John... he preached about some man being nailed to a cross. A thorn was placed upon his head and he was beaten with a cat of nine tails.Then, three days later he arose from the grave.
Seeing this from the perspective of a toddler isn't very helpful but what we need to understand is that Jesus died for our sins. He endured such pain and suffering so that we would have eternal life!! It's kinda like when you go to ring up your groceries at piggly wiggly and you reach for your wallet and the cashier says its already been paid for. Jesus paid the price for our sins so we wouldn't have to! There's no greater love! He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our sins.The punishment that brought us peace was upon him. By his wounds we are healed.
Well the service came to an end and the sun was actually starting to come out! That meant it was time to eat! We all were seated at our grandmothers oak table where she had been slaving over the stove for hours to prepare the perfect meal! Let me introduce you to Mr. Charles..don't get me wrong he's a fine Christian man but he had that kind of long southern drawl that made you wanna yell," spit it out already!" To make it even better his false teeth that clacked with every word. He began to bless the food and thank God for sending his son and for saving us. Which was more like, "lord, (clack-clack) thank you for this food (clack-clack) As if he weren't enough I have another uncle who's a whistler. So when they carried on a conversation I ran as far as I could! We all sat around and gawked over everyone's attire until the sun went up again.
Now, that I am a born again Christian and have a sense of style I love Easter! I can't wait to get up before the chickens to praise a God who's worthy! If you're attitude on Sunday will be one similar to mine as a child..I pray for your salvation. So, go out Sunday and enjoy the bright colors and beautiful dresses but don't forget the price you were bought at!
"Living he loved me. Dying he saved me. Buried he carried my sins far away. Rising he justified freely forever. One day he's coming oh glorious day."
May you have a blessed Easter!
Xoxo, the girl in a Lilly dress and pearls
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