Hope everyone had an amazing Memorial Day!! Also, my hopes are that while you were spending time with family and making memories with friends that you remembered the true meaning of this holiday. I was watching a local News special last night where they asked people on the streets what Memorial day was. I was appalled by the answers. " A day for family time" "A day for the war" Those were just some of the answers. We need to thank a veteran or current officer any time we see them not just on this particular day. So, to all those who have or currently are serving our country thank you from the deepest part of my heart. Thank you for making all the cookouts and pool parties possible yesterday.
I actually spent my Memorial Day weekend in Chapel Hill celebrating my sisters birthday! Oh, how I love that area! We shopped in Cameron Village on Sunday where I found a Palm Avenue! I have only had the pleasure of shopping at the one in Charleston. They have furniture, Jack Rogers and so much more! I got a new dress I wore to my sister's birthday dinner for 30% off from the Spring line!! That night we dined at an Italian restaurant below a hotel downtown. It was delicious! Monday, though, had to be my favorite, we got to spend the day with our fellow DAR members. The parade started that morning followed by a meet and greet with the Veterans. I loved hearing all their stories!! I may just have met some of the wisest men and women that day. The DAR is such a blessing in my life!
What am I doing today? Sitting behind my desk at the boutique with a Coke and pop tart waiting for a lovely lady to come buy a beautiful dress! It can be the best yet most boring job! But, I love it! I'm supposed to get a call from Charlotte later this week! Cross your fingers!
Have a blessed day in the home of the red, white and blue! God bless America!
-The girl in a polo and pearls-
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Why I'm excited today!
Today was very sad day filled with tears, good-byes and new beginnings. It was the last day for most seniors. So, after the dreary day I decided I'd take a moment to list the things I'm excited about!
1. I have an awesome, powerful, merciful Savior. That's something that always winds me up and makes me jump for joy!
2. I'm going shopping this weekend!!
3. My graduation party!
4. I have the BEST friends! They never fail me and keep me going!
5.My Senior year went out with a bang!
6. This weekend!
This is what I do when I'm down, I think of things that make me happy or excite me! So, try it on your next bad day!
Tomorrow's a new day let's paint the town pink, shall we?
The girl in a Polo and pearls
1. I have an awesome, powerful, merciful Savior. That's something that always winds me up and makes me jump for joy!
2. I'm going shopping this weekend!!
3. My graduation party!
4. I have the BEST friends! They never fail me and keep me going!
5.My Senior year went out with a bang!
6. This weekend!
This is what I do when I'm down, I think of things that make me happy or excite me! So, try it on your next bad day!
Tomorrow's a new day let's paint the town pink, shall we?
The girl in a Polo and pearls
Monday, May 21, 2012
That's what makes you beautiful!
My hair doesn't always fall perfectly in place ( or ever), my awkward moments can't be tallied, and my embarrasing falls keep me laughing.
If you know me, you know this is just every day life for me and
In saying all this NONE of us are perfect. Only our creator who has NEVER sinned but suffered as if he did can be labeled perfect. Perfection may be put on a pedal stool in our society and make us feel like we're only worthy if we have the perfect hair, body, career, car and name. But, I have great news today, God doesn't require you to be perfect..he doesn't even want you to be perfect! He already thinks you're great enough to send his Son to die on a cross for you!! Do you think just because you have the perfect house someone of this world would do that for you? Never. God made you just the way you are for a special reason. Maybe you have a condition that requires you to go to the hospital and recieve treatments on a weekly basis. Where else better to witness that a room full of sick people? God knew that he could use you through that.
To finish my story of "that girl who tripped on Easter Sunday" I was in the lobby after church waiting for my parents when a visitor apporached me. She was a frail little lady and she said to me, "you're the girl you tripped, right?" With the biggest smile and laugh, I repilied " Yes ma'am you've got the right girl!" Just like that you would have thought we had known each other for years and we began to talk about my favorite subject.. Jesus! She told me she thought she was saved but she wasn't sure so after I talked with her for a while and we were both in tears my pastor took over. The next Wednesday my mom informed me she went up and asked the Lord into her heart. So, my fall, my imperfection made a difference for someone. Had I never fallen she may not have spoken to me, heard about Christ or gotten saved. If anything, be thankful for your imperfections!
"Perfection is my enemy. On my own I'm so clumsy but on your shoudlers I can see I'm free to be me. " - Francesca Battistelli
May your imperfections forever be in your and God's favor!
The girl in a polo and pearls
I'm far from perfect.
As always this story was inspired by something that happened in my life.. so I'll start with that. It's actaully two stories, one which happened Easter Sunday and the other took place yesterday. It was Easter Sunday everyone was dressed to a tee in their pastels and seersucker quietly waiting in their pew to hear the children's choir sing. I help direct the childern's choir so I got to lead them on satge. ( Little did I know I was the one who would look like a five year old) Anyway, I was strutting it up to the alter in my new one shoulder Lilly dress and seemed to have forgotten to take note of the HUGE fern an inch away from my right foot. I dropped to the floor along with my dignity. It wasn't one of those things where you could say, " Oh, no one saw it!" It was very obvious everyone did. But, about two minutues after that I couldn't stop grinning while leading the kids in Lord I Lift Your Name on High. If you know me, you know this is just every day life for me and
I've learned life gets a lot easier when you learn to laugh at yourself!
The other story. Yesterday we had our baccalaureate service for graduation. I had spent hours going into store after store, dressing room after dressing room in search for the perfect white dress! I finally found it and couldn't wait to wear it! 4:30 the day of the event rolls around so I began to get ready. Within the first five minutues of wearing it I spilt makeup all down the front of it. Freaking out, I got my mom to wash it three times, bleach it and everything and there still was the tan stain that screamed "haha" at me! Needless to say, I was driving all around town 30 minutues before I was supposed to be there looking for a new dress. Thank you Mr. Belk.. I found one! I had a great time and we heard a great message! We actually ended up laughing about it over dinner that night! In saying all this NONE of us are perfect. Only our creator who has NEVER sinned but suffered as if he did can be labeled perfect. Perfection may be put on a pedal stool in our society and make us feel like we're only worthy if we have the perfect hair, body, career, car and name. But, I have great news today, God doesn't require you to be perfect..he doesn't even want you to be perfect! He already thinks you're great enough to send his Son to die on a cross for you!! Do you think just because you have the perfect house someone of this world would do that for you? Never. God made you just the way you are for a special reason. Maybe you have a condition that requires you to go to the hospital and recieve treatments on a weekly basis. Where else better to witness that a room full of sick people? God knew that he could use you through that.
To finish my story of "that girl who tripped on Easter Sunday" I was in the lobby after church waiting for my parents when a visitor apporached me. She was a frail little lady and she said to me, "you're the girl you tripped, right?" With the biggest smile and laugh, I repilied " Yes ma'am you've got the right girl!" Just like that you would have thought we had known each other for years and we began to talk about my favorite subject.. Jesus! She told me she thought she was saved but she wasn't sure so after I talked with her for a while and we were both in tears my pastor took over. The next Wednesday my mom informed me she went up and asked the Lord into her heart. So, my fall, my imperfection made a difference for someone. Had I never fallen she may not have spoken to me, heard about Christ or gotten saved. If anything, be thankful for your imperfections!
"Perfection is my enemy. On my own I'm so clumsy but on your shoudlers I can see I'm free to be me. " - Francesca Battistelli
May your imperfections forever be in your and God's favor!
The girl in a polo and pearls
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Who I am hates who I've been
This week. I created a monster. No it wasn't big, green and scary. You can't find it under your bed. Rather, it is blonde, has blue eyes and is on the other side of the computer screen.
I was not a Proverbs 31 woman this week...or anything close to Christ-like. I found myself engulfed in situations I had never faced. I'm the furthest thing from a drama queen but this week I was wearing the crown. I wanted everyone to have pity on me and be in a bad mood like I was. Normally the happiest girl on earth was angered by others smiles and laughter. I found myself angry at my best friend, the boy of my dreams and my parents. Anything any of those people said or did made me cringe. I had NEVER been so hurt or confused. I don't deal well with confrontation so I tried to just get over it..but that only lead to more rage.
This morning I looked in the mirror and saw a monster. I may have looked completely cheerful in my pink a green sundress and bow but I looked like Shrek on the inside. So, for the first time this week I opened my bible. Within five minutes I had my answer. I had completely ignored God this week. When I needed to climb in my Savior's lap and cry my fears out I strayed further away than I ever have. While I was going all around Florence getting advice I should have stuck to what I knew.
The times that straying away from God seems to be the easiest thing is most likely when you need to be sitting on His shoulders.
The girl in a polo and pearls
P.S An old love has sparked in my life! I'll keep you posted!
I was not a Proverbs 31 woman this week...or anything close to Christ-like. I found myself engulfed in situations I had never faced. I'm the furthest thing from a drama queen but this week I was wearing the crown. I wanted everyone to have pity on me and be in a bad mood like I was. Normally the happiest girl on earth was angered by others smiles and laughter. I found myself angry at my best friend, the boy of my dreams and my parents. Anything any of those people said or did made me cringe. I had NEVER been so hurt or confused. I don't deal well with confrontation so I tried to just get over it..but that only lead to more rage.
This morning I looked in the mirror and saw a monster. I may have looked completely cheerful in my pink a green sundress and bow but I looked like Shrek on the inside. So, for the first time this week I opened my bible. Within five minutes I had my answer. I had completely ignored God this week. When I needed to climb in my Savior's lap and cry my fears out I strayed further away than I ever have. While I was going all around Florence getting advice I should have stuck to what I knew.
The times that straying away from God seems to be the easiest thing is most likely when you need to be sitting on His shoulders.
The girl in a polo and pearls
P.S An old love has sparked in my life! I'll keep you posted!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Why is this happening to me?!?
"Why did this have to happen to me?" I bet you can't count on your fingers and toes how many times you've said that in your lifetime. Maybe it was that moment when your car wouldn't start and you were already running late. Or when you bought a new pair of white shorts and spilt sweet tea all over them.
Well, I caught myself saying that this morning. I was rushing to get ready and look somewhat decent for school knowing I had to be there at 7:50 to make up a test. You know those mornings where everything seems to go wrong? Good. I'm not alone! To begin I woke up late, my hair wasn't cooperating, I was trying to find my notes that were under the covers, and I couldn't find my earrings. Scurrying to get in my car, almost forgetting to open the garage, I was on my way to school at 7:50. Meanwhile, my dad called me and asked if I was okay? Of course I said yes, why? He began to tell me there was a wreck the same route I took to school, a young girl was hit head on by a careless driver. I immediately broke down in years upon the realization...that could have been me. God LET me wake up late and sent an angel to hide my earnings. Blessings don't always come wrapped up in pink and green paper. When it seems like everything is against you maybe it's all for you! That girl did nothing wrong, that should have been me! It's the same time I would have been on the road but God has more to do with my life to end it now. I wouldn't ever wish someone to sacrifice themselves for me but it was God's will. God has a motive behind everything that happens in your life. The good and the bad. Praise Him through the rough times and when you're on cloud nine.
Your phone is out of service and you need to call your friend back? She only had news to tell you that someone was slandering you. God didn't want that to ruin your day so he took care of it. You didn't get into the college you wanted? God knew it wasn't the place for you to continue your walk with Christ. You can thank him later. God is never out to harm you! So, next time when you just think, " Why me?" turn in into a positive statement because you know it's a blessing in disguise.
May many blessings come your way,
The girl In a polo and pearls
Well, I caught myself saying that this morning. I was rushing to get ready and look somewhat decent for school knowing I had to be there at 7:50 to make up a test. You know those mornings where everything seems to go wrong? Good. I'm not alone! To begin I woke up late, my hair wasn't cooperating, I was trying to find my notes that were under the covers, and I couldn't find my earrings. Scurrying to get in my car, almost forgetting to open the garage, I was on my way to school at 7:50. Meanwhile, my dad called me and asked if I was okay? Of course I said yes, why? He began to tell me there was a wreck the same route I took to school, a young girl was hit head on by a careless driver. I immediately broke down in years upon the realization...that could have been me. God LET me wake up late and sent an angel to hide my earnings. Blessings don't always come wrapped up in pink and green paper. When it seems like everything is against you maybe it's all for you! That girl did nothing wrong, that should have been me! It's the same time I would have been on the road but God has more to do with my life to end it now. I wouldn't ever wish someone to sacrifice themselves for me but it was God's will. God has a motive behind everything that happens in your life. The good and the bad. Praise Him through the rough times and when you're on cloud nine.
Your phone is out of service and you need to call your friend back? She only had news to tell you that someone was slandering you. God didn't want that to ruin your day so he took care of it. You didn't get into the college you wanted? God knew it wasn't the place for you to continue your walk with Christ. You can thank him later. God is never out to harm you! So, next time when you just think, " Why me?" turn in into a positive statement because you know it's a blessing in disguise.
May many blessings come your way,
The girl In a polo and pearls
Friday, May 4, 2012
My Ode
A long time ago my mom read me this book called," An Ode to the Nice Girls". Needless to say, I wanted to be like those girls..at the age of five! I won't give you a synopsis, I'll let you read that on your own time, but I'd like to share with you My Ode. An ode to the fellow girls like me. The good girls. This is for the girls who love their parents and wouldn't trade their siblings for the world. When it would be easier to just throw on booty shorts and a halter top, you put on a Lilly dress. You know you could dress like a slut and have all the guys in the world but you choose not to. Thank you for being different. This is for every girl who knows the best guys aren't seated on the stool down at the bar-they're sitting at home watching a football game on the couch with their dad and brothers. You, that girl who's never had a boyfriend because you refuse to lower your standards, I applaud you. Those of you who aren't ashamed to go to church and get in the Word, thank you for standing up in what you believe in. Have you stood up for someone lately? You'll never know how much that meant to them, so thank you from both of us. Thank you for not being ashamed to go to the movies with your mom, you'll never know how your kindness brings her to tears.To the girls that babysit for their teachers on a Friday night to raise money for charity, God bless your heart. For those girls who dealt with a breakup with a few good friends and a pint of Ben and Jerry's rather than sabotaging your ex, congratulations for being the better person. If you've been humble enough to admit you were wrong and apologize I look up to you. For each of you that would never consider comprising, I give you a standing ovation. To the girl who broke up with her boyfriend who was pressuring her, thank you for not giving in.
You wouldn't be caught dead in a club dancing all over someone you just met. You'd pick a night with the girls than a date with a jerk. You laugh at your awkwardness and laugh when things are serious. You laugh at yourself more than anything. You invest in your friendships. When everyone is being swayed,you hold fast to what you know. Your promise is never broken and secrets are never shared. You would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings. Being respected ranks high on your list. You go to a party every once in a while, but you're not known as the wild one. You know your beauty goes beyond the makeup.
Yes, we're hard to find but we're worth it! So, thank you to all the good girls!
The girl in a Lilly dress and pearls
You wouldn't be caught dead in a club dancing all over someone you just met. You'd pick a night with the girls than a date with a jerk. You laugh at your awkwardness and laugh when things are serious. You laugh at yourself more than anything. You invest in your friendships. When everyone is being swayed,you hold fast to what you know. Your promise is never broken and secrets are never shared. You would never intentionally hurt someone's feelings. Being respected ranks high on your list. You go to a party every once in a while, but you're not known as the wild one. You know your beauty goes beyond the makeup.
Yes, we're hard to find but we're worth it! So, thank you to all the good girls!
The girl in a Lilly dress and pearls
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