Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dear me,

What would I tell myself a year ago if I had the chance?

Dear me,

1. You can't live a completely selfless life. While it seems like the Christian and kind thing to do it will turn against you in the long run. It's time to make yourself happy rather than others. It's your life. It's your decision.
2. You can do the impossible, forget about the status quo. What you're "expected to do" isn't always what you have to do. Do you think I would be sitting here telling you I'm now a business major if that were true?
3. You can make mistakes. You can mess up. That's what the eraser is there for.
4. Call your best friends. Every single day before you all part your ways.
5. Tell that girl sitting behind you in English 101 about Jesus. Stop thinking it's okay to hold back. It's never okay.
6. You're going to find the one. It's just a matter of time.
7. Hold on to your cardigan and prepare for a wild ride full of many changes.
8. Be's about time you try that.
9. Take pictures and videos of everything. You're gonna want them later.
10. Don't buy that pink peacoat, it has black buttons that clash with everything.
11. Drive to the beach and just sit with your toes in the sand. A year from now you won't be able to find time for that.
12. Pray. Pray.Pray.Pray.Pray


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