There comes that hesitation.
In the 21st century it's harder than ever yet easier than ever to focus on God. Let me clear up that extreme contradiction. With days that begin at 6 am and end at 11 pm it can be hard to even remember the date. We get so caught up in making sure our homework is done, we texted this person back, we got ahead on the cleaning or we got the last pair of shoes at a sample sale that we forget about our creator.
He doesn't ask much of us considering what we asked of Him.
Now, what about that easier part I mentioned? How many of you have your I-Phone or Android right beside you? How many of you have your bible sitting right beside you? If you answered "yes" to the first questioned your second response should have been the same. Ever heard of the bible app? How many of you are reading this from a computer? There are so many sites that offer devotions or inspirational stories.I am a bible app user. However, I am guilty of this and know it oh too well. My notification goes off every day at 4:52 and so many times I slide it off my home screen and forget about it. But, the days I do I've read something that's helped me get through a bad day, gave me the wisdom to solve a dilema or
just put a smile on my face knowing I have a God who loves me.
So, I encourage you and myself tomorrow when that notification goes off, don't just slide it away. When you really really want to see who broke up on Facebook, look up a devotion that deals with break ups to help that person get through it. When you're on Pinterest maybe pay a little more attention to the quotes and inspiration category versus fashion and cute puppies. It's just a little decision you have to make to change your whole day. Good luck! :)
The girl in a polo and pearls