Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It's about to get tense

This week has been one that has seemed to drag on forever maybe it's because I'm ready for the weekend or the fact that only 6 days separate me from Thanksgiving break! Yes, I'm also the girl who is already counting the days until Christmas! Well on the joyous note of those holidays, I've entered into a very joyous season in my life as well. As a "new Christian" I found myself needing to be fed God's word if there was any event or camp I would count down the hours until we were leaving because I could NOT get enough Jesus! Well, since this summer I seemed to have exited that stage and felt like that wasn't enough anymore. I began to see how others were not only attending these events but were helping with them and finding their own callings which caused me to turn an awful shade of green. I didn't understand why God hadn't led me to do any of these things. " Am I not a good enough Christian?" I began to question everything and in some way didn't really  want to be apart of anything anymore. I almost felt bitter about the whole thing as if some sort of politician who lost an election. Recently I've had a lot of frustration and anger towards a lot of things particularly towards the one person I would never want to harm. You know everyone says, " people only want Jesus when they need Him." That was me. Red handed. I had somewhat turned away from God until I needed some help and a lot of answers. So, I began looking up sermons and biblical advice about relationships and marriages. This is something I've always been very passionate about and have been eager to learn about. After many late nights staying up, taking notes and absorbing all I could I decided all my questions were answered and I felt good about my decisions. As I woke up this morning to go to chapel I seemed to have a bit more pep in my step than usually at 9 am, we had a guest speaker from Colorado speak this morning. He was an older gray haired man who looked like he could be my grandfather and was as cute as a button. He said the word purity, saying that to a group of college students creates a silence where you could hear a pen drop. What he said was one of the most profound and true phrases I've ever heard,
"Your generation is so concerned with everything being  pure,( water, air, gas, dairy products,)but yourself." 
That's when it truly came apparent to me that I had found my calling. God didn't have me sitting down watching sermon after sermon for no reason, I can use my knowledge to help others. From sharing those videos and my knowledge hundreds of marriages could be saved or relationships that will end in a divorce could be stopped. Someone could actually realize how they're supposed to treat their other half or how to find that person and have a Godly relationship. This is what our world needs more than ever, you would be surprised some people don't even know what's right or wrong in a relationship because they've never been taught. I'm no Dr. Phil nor do I intend to be but I feel I've gone through these obstacles in my life for a reason and if that is only changing one relationship than it's worth the price. Saying that, instead of me rambling on all night long I'm just going to post a few of the sermons I watched and let you make your own opinion and decisions. 
The girl in a polo and pearls 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ready or not here I come!

     Remember the old faithful game of hide and seek? That rainy afternoon game that kept us occupied for hours. We always thought we were so clever because our parents could never find us. Little did we know they were letting us win! Why am I talking about a game we use to find ourselves playing years ago? Because I'm playing it right now and some of you may be too, you just don't realize it yet. 
     This summer has flown by leaving me with very few pieces to pick up while I'm trying to convince myself it isn't shortly coming to an end. It's hard being away and getting use to a different routine and being thrown back into your old one with everything but ease. A lot of times, just in this case, when we  are confronted with a difficult situation..WE HIDE. Maybe it's not behind the bathroom door or our sisters' bed but it's that invisible cloak we wear that says, " I'm not here, I don't feel, it's easier that way." We may all be hiding from different things, perhaps your hiding from the fact that you've lost your faith or you're like me and just feel so defeated you try to hide all feelings and make yourself become numb. 
     But, I do know the one thing you're wrong about is that you are alone. Just as our parents or babysitter or whoever was playing hide and go seek with us knew exactly where we were our Heavenly Father now knows. He knows exactly what we're battling with in our hearts. There's nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to confess. All He's asking us for us to tell him where we are and He will come pick us up and rescue us. So maybe you've been hiding behind something too long, need some encouragement or answers. Call on me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 

The girl in a polo and pearls 

P.S- I hope to be blogging a lot more soon! 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Piece of Paper and One Big Change

My typical Thursday schedule:
8am-9am: Weight Training
9:30 am : Advisement to change my major
10am-11am: Homework
11am- lunch
11:30- Mass communications... and so on

    Just a typical Thursday of the average college student, right? No big deal. YES. Big deal. While walking down an academic hall at any college you may hear the phrase "I changed my major..again" numerous times in a humous tone. But, it's not a small decision. That change didn't take place on a whim (hopefully at least :) ) it had much thought into it. I know mine did. I came into college thinking I was going to be a Biology major and be in the hospital despite my fear of needles and clumsiness. It only took a few short weeks of gametes, flow charts and dissections for me to go running as far away from the science building as possible. Those boring white lab coats and make-up ruining goggles were not for me. As glad as I was to leave from that I was just as frightened about finding something else. I'm only 18 years old. I can't even sleep without the T.V on, how am I supposed to know what I want to do with my life? I was expected to do something in the medical field and that was what scared me the most, disappointing and being looked down upon by others.

    Today, when I signed my name at the bottom of my change of major form I had the most exhilarating feeling overcome me. Because this what God wanted me to do. Not mom, dad or society. I prayed about it and talked about it and all I ever got was, "what do you love?" Everyone knows that answer.
Clothes. A lot of them. All the time.
     I also love people. So, what better field than business? I've only taken 101 thus far but you have a basic exchange between consumer and retailer, right? I'd be dealing with people, which I love, and granting them the opportunity to share the love for clothes I do.
There's a plan. I just know it. I have one drawn out but He's been known to change that faster than a cool South Carolina morning turns into a humid afternoon.
That's completely okay with me.
     He is going to place me right where He wants to maybe that's not in the corporate office of marking at Lilly Pulitzer or maybe it is. I'm just so excited to see how it works out. Everything in my life is as close to perfect as ever and I'm glad that now my career path is headed in that direction!
Your new business major
in a polo and pearls

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy Pinning and to all a goodnight!

When's the last time you checked your Facebook (or do you have in open in another tab..haha), or Pinterest or even went to McDonalds? I am pretty sure everyone can answer those questions without a pause. When's the last time you picked up your bible and meditated on God's word? Or had quiet time? Or even had deep prayer?
There comes that hesitation. 

In the 21st century it's harder than ever yet easier than ever to focus on God. Let me clear up that extreme contradiction. With days that begin at 6 am and end at 11 pm it can be hard to even remember the date. We get so caught up in making sure our homework is done, we texted this person back, we got ahead on the cleaning or we got the last pair of shoes at a sample sale that we forget about our creator.
He doesn't ask much of us considering what we asked of Him. 

Now, what about that easier part I mentioned? How many of you have your I-Phone or Android right beside you? How many of you have your bible sitting right beside you? If you answered "yes" to the first questioned your second response should have been the same. Ever heard of the bible app? How many of you are reading this from a computer? There are so many sites that offer devotions or inspirational stories.I am a bible app user. However, I am guilty of this and know it oh too well. My notification goes off every day at 4:52 and so many times I slide it off my home screen and forget about it. But, the days I do I've read something that's helped me get through a bad day, gave me the wisdom to solve a dilema or 
just put a smile on my face knowing I have a God who loves me. 

So, I encourage you and myself tomorrow when that notification goes off, don't just slide it away. When you really really want to see who broke up on Facebook, look up a devotion that deals with break ups to help that person get through it. When you're on Pinterest maybe pay a little more attention to the quotes and inspiration category versus fashion and cute puppies. It's just a little decision you have to make to change your whole day. Good luck! :)

The girl in a polo and pearls 

Dear me,

What would I tell myself a year ago if I had the chance?

Dear me,

1. You can't live a completely selfless life. While it seems like the Christian and kind thing to do it will turn against you in the long run. It's time to make yourself happy rather than others. It's your life. It's your decision.
2. You can do the impossible, forget about the status quo. What you're "expected to do" isn't always what you have to do. Do you think I would be sitting here telling you I'm now a business major if that were true?
3. You can make mistakes. You can mess up. That's what the eraser is there for.
4. Call your best friends. Every single day before you all part your ways.
5. Tell that girl sitting behind you in English 101 about Jesus. Stop thinking it's okay to hold back. It's never okay.
6. You're going to find the one. It's just a matter of time.
7. Hold on to your cardigan and prepare for a wild ride full of many changes.
8. Be's about time you try that.
9. Take pictures and videos of everything. You're gonna want them later.
10. Don't buy that pink peacoat, it has black buttons that clash with everything.
11. Drive to the beach and just sit with your toes in the sand. A year from now you won't be able to find time for that.
12. Pray. Pray.Pray.Pray.Pray
